Download the Counterize plugin

19 Responses

  1. naza says:

    thank for plugin

  2. jojo says:

    great plugin

  3. jojo says:

    download doesn’t work

  4. Hi Jojo,
    Thank you for your interest in Counterize.
    Download DOES work. How do you proceed to fail?

  5. Jojo says:

    It seems to be problem with Internet Explorer 7. I tried on another PC with IE8 without any problem

  6. oeufdure says:

    i’am using counterize plugin for my blog and i think it’s the better stat plugin.
    But each time i update the plugin, i have to modify the source.
    Is it possible to add gethostbyaddr(), that counterize will return the hostname not the ip ?

  7. Hi oeufdure,
    Could you tell me what you are modifying exactly?
    So that I could eventually add it in a next release of Counterize.


  8. oeufdure says:

    i put the file here (modify from the last version)


  9. luchosar says:

    ES UN PLUGIN IMPRESIONANTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!gracias desde colombia

  10. giuliano says:

    Gabriel, your plugin is great. I would llike to have it in italian. do you have the traslated file? Thanks in advance

  11. Robert says:

    I supposed I wrote my request in the wrong page (previous post)

    The question is about bots/crawlers.

    I noticed that in my stats there are IPs visiting the blog hundreds of times. Checking their origin, I discovered they are all google, msn, yahoo etc etc crawlers.

    In the first-first counterize version, you were allowed to compile and update an IPs exclude list. The IPs in that list were not even logged.

    Which is the current Counterize version tool/setting that permits to reject such IPs?

    About translation, do you have any page where to discuss/download the file with strings to be translated? I can translate it for the Italian version.

    Thank you for any reply

  12. Andrea says:

    Have you got news about italian translation?

  13. NB says:

    I know it is an obvious question – but where can the stats for my site be viewed?

  14. I want to show visit counter number ( 01234…..) on my site.

  15. Carlos Díaz says:

    Still works on wp 4.7 thanks

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