Progress 4GL ABL keywords support in Sublime Text editor

If you want to add syntax coloration for your Progress 4GL ABL programs into the excellent Sublime Text editor, I made a package that adds Progress 4GL ABL support.

GitHub page

The project is now hosted on GitHub :


  1. Close Sublime Text editor if it was opened
  2. Download this package
  3. Put it in the following directory:
    • Windows:
      %APPDATA%\Sublime Text 3\Installed Packages
    • Linux:
      ~/.config/sublime-text-3/Installed Packages
    • OS X:
      ~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Installed Packages
  4. Restart Sublime Text editor.

You should now have Progress ABL support enabled in Sublime Text editor! If your program is still recognized like a plain text file, go to View > Syntax > Open All With Current Extension As… > OpenEdge ABL.



This package recognizes most ABL keywords, and also adds a lot of useful shortcuts such as dvch that expands into:




You can modify this package very easily :

  1. Extract its content (it’s a renamed zip archive)
  2. Edit whatever you need.
  3. Re-zip it and rename it to the original package name.
  4. Close Sublime Text if it was running.
  5. Replace the original package with the new one in the Installed Packages folder
  6. Delete the OpenEdge ABL directory located in
    • Windows:
      %LOCALAPPDATA%\Sublime Text 3\Cache
    • Linux:
    • OS X:
      ~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Cache
  7. Restart Sublime Text.